
What If Your

Birth Journey

Postpartum Journey

Newborn Care Journey

Parent Growth Journey

Was Supported By a Doula?

You are the hero of your child’s story from the beginning. Feel supported and informed as you navigate the next chapter of your family’s journey.


When it comes to labor and parenting, don’t go it alone. Receive the birth and postpartum doula support you need at the time you need it most — anytime, anywhere.


Hi! I’m Liz.

I am a professional birth & postpartum DONA-trained doula. I’m passionate about empowering parents through the expectations and day-to-day needs of their fertility, pregnancy, birth, and newborn care journey. With a focus on non-directive, compassionate education and care, I serve as a resource for helping families successfully chart their own birth and parenting stories and support them through evidence-based doula services. 

I provide in-person doula care across Kentuckiana, as well as on-demand virtual doula services for all. I’m regularing updating the blog to bring you relevant pregnancy, birth, and parenting information, so subscribe for updates so you don’t miss anything new!